Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Meet Your 2015 Vestry: Participating in God's Mission at Canterbury

Canterbury Vestry, August 2015

In the Episcopal Church, leadership for a congregation comes from the rector and the vestry: a "board of directors" elected at annual congregational meetings to serve for three-year terms. The Vestry makes policy decisions regarding the overall life and direction of the parish and bears ultimate responsibility for financial matters. In addition to overall oversight of the parish, each vestry member has a particular area of oversight within the congregation.

At our August Vestry Retreat we spent time considering how ALL our programs, missions, and ministries at Canterbury fit in to our overall identity and mission statement:

Who are we?
We are a reconciling community of Christians who are nurtured at the Lord's Table, grounded in the truths of Scripture and the traditions of the Church, and sustained through prayer.

What is our mission?
 We are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to:
  • Celebrate the joy of God's presence
  • Feed the hungry, heal the wounded, and welcome the stranger
  • Cherish diversity while striving for unity as one family in Christ
  • Engage in active ministry to the University of New Mexico & Central New Mexico Community College
  • Honor God in all Creation
We began by identifying those ministries, programs, and aspects of our identity and mission that each vestry member feels most passionate and energized about.

We then identified which ministries, programs, and aspects of our identity and mission seem MOST URGENT at this pivotal moment in our life together as a congregation. 

Our hope is that as leaders and members of Canterbury, we can leverage our passions, energies, and gifts in support of three key areas over the next 12 months.  Without neglecting all our other ministries and programs, or aspects of our identity and mission, we want to invite you to join us in directing our efforts over the coming year with these three priorities in mind:   

1) To Welcome the Stranger
2) To Reach out and Renew an active Campus Ministry
3) To Nurture Relationships among our members (aka "the Household" of Canterbury)

Please take time to thank our vestry members for their leadership and faithful hard work on behalf of our congregation! Pray for your vestry members!  Take time to talk with them about your hopes, dreams, and concerns regarding the parish!  Ask them about their work, and ask them how you can get involved!

Don Partridge, Sr. Warden. Focus area: Environmental Stewardship. 
 My name is Don Partridge and I've been a member of the household of Canterbury for about 40 years. I am retired and enjoy hiking, skiing, and kayaking. I am the Senior Warden and represent CASE on the vestry. In the coming year I look forward to helping to nourish the relationships among the members of the household. Email Don.
 Dorothy Treadwell.  Focus area: Finance
My name is Dorothy Treadwell.  I've been a member of Canterbury for 17 tears.  I'm a retired CPA.  My role on the Vestry is Finance Committee chair.
 Edwina Beard. Focus areas: Newcomers & Pastoral Care, Liturgy & Music
My name is Edwina Beard, and I was hired as Canterbury's parish musician in 1971 while I was pursuing  degrees in organ performance at UNM.  As a recovering Southern Baptist, I was drawn to our church's rich musical and liturgical heritage, and liturgy and music are still what I'm most passionate about.  I'm also deeply committed to creation care. My responsibility as a Vestry member is to serve as the liaison for newcomers/pastoral care, and in the coming year I look forward to supporting the further development of Canterbury's ministry of hospitality.  Outside the parish, my interests include my husband of 52 years, Sam; our two adult children and five grandchildren; Lobo basketball; travel; and playing bridge!
 Emily Wirth.  Focus area: Christian Education & Formation
I'm Emily Wirth, a retired educator, who finds retirement a time when there are many choices.  Some time is spent with my six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  I love to read, and hike, and travel.My pilgrimage in the Canterbury community began 21 years ago.  This is a place where I find the questions are important--not just the answers, where diversity is one of the expressions of God's creation and caring for creation is important, where a seeker can grow and learn, and where we experience joy! 

Fritz Frurip.  Focus areas: Organ Project, Adult Christian Education.  I'm a retired pychotherapist,  a member of Canterbury's Men's Group, a vestry member and  the vestry liaison to the Organ Project.

 Joe Artery, Jr. Warden.  Focus area: Buildings and Grounds
I am married with one child and another on the way.  I am a telecommunications and low voltage contractor and I enjoy camping and the outdoors.  I've been at Canterbury since 2008 and I really enjoy the people there.

 Joe Lane. Focus area: Communications. 
I have been at St. Thomas of Canterbury for 32 years.  I came as a student and was hired as a Sexton, church caretaker, and was on the job for seven years.  I met my wife, Ann Sasahara, here  In the coming year, I look forward to supporting Canterbury's mission by teaching a computer "how to" class and becoming a less shy greeterOnce I accomplish that, I might tackle feeding hungry students (via campus ministry) and the homeless (via St. Martins.)

 Maddie Carrell.  Focus area: Campus Ministry
My name is Maddie Carrell. I've been a member of Canterbury for 3 years. I enjoy connecting with others, exploring New Mexico, and making music. My role on the vestry is Campus Ministry liaison. In the coming year, I look forward to supporting Canterbury's mission to welcome the stranger and renew an active campus ministry by organizing a "Feeding Mission" on campus and in surrounding areas, providing bags of basic necessities and information on Canterbury to help feed students' and the community's minds, bodies, and spirits.
Pat Eads.  Focus areas: "Household" (Community Relationships & Celebrations) and Children's Ministry
My name is Pat Eads. I've been a member of Canterbury since 1968. My role on the Vestry is that of Household liaison. I look forward to continuing my work in the coming year with our wonderful group of children to help them become more active participants in both our weekly worship and many celebrations of faith. 
Sally Barlow.  Focus areas: Outreach
This summer the Vestry appointed me, Sally Barlow, to take Ginger Lawrence's place when she resigned for health reasons. I have been a member of St. Thomas since 1976, and I am committed to helping with Outreach. I am a retired attorney whose practice involved representing Indian tribes and individuals. Since retiring, I have focused on assisting a free hospital in Jos, Nigeria.

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