Monday, October 5, 2015

There is Enough! (with Emily Wirth)

by The Rev. Sylvia Miller-Mutia

Some of you were in church this summer (7/26/2015) when I preached the following sermon, and we sang together the refrain "There is Enough" on our way to share communion.

Well, a couple weeks ago Emily Wirth came in for our Wednesday Eucharist and looked at me sideways.  "Sylvia," she said, "my life would really be much easier if you would quit teaching us these musical refrains!"   I looked at her quizzically, and she told me a story (below)...

This week you should receive a letter in the mail from Canterbury inviting you to consider making a financial commitment to support God's work at Canterbury in the coming year.  Enjoy Emily's story and prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond.

"There is Enough" by Emily Wirth

There is enough!  There really is!  The chorus seems so simple.  However, it presents itself when I least expect it.

The first time was as I was gathering items for the rummage sale.  I’d select something to donate, then decide to keep it . . .and then the chorus would play in my head.  I’d end up adding the item to the box for the sale.  Also, as I was getting ready to go grocery shopping, I looked in the pantry and freezer, and there was the chorus again.  I cancelled my grocery trip.  And when I went to pay my bills, there was enough and some to share.

There are daily emails with great sales.  One was a two day special from Cost Plus with 25% off all throw pillows.  And, I had a coupon for another 10% off the total.  So I went to Cost Plus and was considering patterns and colors when that chorus began again.  I stopped, thought about the throw pillows I already have, and ended up not spending a penny.  There is enough!  

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